Friday, May 7, 2010

International Talk Like a Pirate Day

Let's celebrate! Today is Talk Like a Pirate Day and I couldn't think of a more fitting way to celebrate than with a card using the beautiful  images from Plate #36 - Soft Goth Night, Caribbean Treasure and Unregrettable Pirate Life.

This card measures 6" x 6". Copics were used for the coloring, paper is Scenic Route and DCWV. It's embellished with Prima flowers and found objects. The sentiment inside was printed using Blackadder ITC - 36pt font.

Copic colors:

  1. Color the Caribbean Treasure image using the baby skin pink and blush for the skin and mouth, rose red and shock pink for the tail and eyes,  canary and cadmium yellow for the hair, gold on the treasure and chest, the clothing, and the pile of rubble and tattoo are warm gray no. 1, 3, and 5,
  2. Color the Unregrettable Pirate Life image using pinkish white and pale cherry pink for the skin, cardinal for the tail and lips, canary yellow for the sun, gold on the clothing, belt and hat embellishment, to color the hair use the warm gray colors, and the chain and eyes are warm gray no. 5.
  3. Color the Soft Goth Night image with the eggshell and powder pink for the skin, rose red and shock pink for the rose, tattoo and lips, Nile green on the leaves, the tail is blue green and the clothes are colored with the cool shadow and ice ocean.
For full instructions you can visit Stampers Quest. Enjoy Sharing! j


  1. oh wow pieces of eight this is a corker

  2. Aye this be super booty-ful matey!!

  3. Great card! I'm so glad that I'm not the only one who gets a kick out of today!

  4. well matey, me think ya hits it right on ye head!

  5. AAARRRGGHHH! Shiver me timbers! What a fabulous card! The striped background is perfect for the gorgeous images! xxD

  6. PS that was my Pirate talk, I live a few miles from a small town called Port Washington and it celebrates Pirates all year long. I truly think this is wonderful! Thanks for sharing!

  7. Wow!!! this ia awesome..great job

  8. Truly outstanding Jennifer! The only thing missing is walking the plank....LOL

  9. ARRR, what a beautiful card ARRRRRR. Love it.

  10. Great card and what a fabulous day!!!

    ps: Do you know why pirates are called pirates?

    because the aaarrrrrrgghhhh!!!! LOL

  11. WOW!! Yet another fantastic card..Just beautiful.. Love it!!
    Hugs, Linda

  12. Wow really beautiful!! xx Marley

  13. thanks everyone - I loved all the off the wall comments - j

  14. Great card Jennifer, I love it! Gorgeous!

  15. Jennifer this is just gorgeous!! What a great talk!!

  16. Very beautiful.

    Grtzzzz Marjon

  17. Love it Jennifer! I really enjoy the way you combine multiple images into one project. FABULOUS!

  18. Well, shiver me timbers! I'd have to be a lily-livered landlubber to not love this great, grand piece of art! :-)Traci
