Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Blog Candy..... Day #3 (Wednesday)

Todays Blog Candy is $5.oo gift card...........................................

What is your new find??????

(this can be anything, except for stamps, that you just recently purchased for cardmaking,

that you just love)

We will pick one winner, you have until 6:00 am on Thursday to post.

Winner will be posted on Thursday


  1. My new find is my Tria markers!! Love them to bits and need more...LOL!!! Hugs xx

  2. I love doily. I would like to have full of different models !

  3. Just bought Retro flower punches ( and a LOT of other stuff...), there will be flowers ewerywhere soon!

  4. I just got set of 48 Prisma color Pencils, will try them today. WooHoo!!!
    Hugs Nataliya

  5. Neenah card, this stuff is fab for promarkers and makes my colouring look loads better
    Claire xx

  6. Copic X-press it cardstock. Works great for coloring with copic markers!

  7. Well, today it's a new ribbon I just got, and now want to put it on every card (but it's not quite right for every one). Love it though! Thanks for another chance!

  8. lace.. I've been obsessed lately with adding lace to everything.. making it vintage looking :)

  9. My new find is the new Spring Collection Limited Edition Butterfly border punch from Fiskars. It should arrive any day now and I can't wait to start using it.
    Hugs, Rosalee

  10. Charms!!!! I just love them espacially if they match the theme of my stamps.
    Caroline x

  11. I have recently discovered the many uses for coffee filters. Had some left over from an old style coffee machine and found you can make all sorts of things with them, especially some rather lovely flowers :-)

  12. my new find is my a rosett die from MFT. Can't wait to use it.

  13. My MS photo corner punch and Irridiscent Gold Glimmer Mist :)

  14. I recently discoverred Promarkers and I just LOVE them. They are perfect for coloring. Thanks for the chance. X Anita

  15. My new find is Tim Holtz mini fastener brads,they are so cute and great for mens cards:)
    Fiona x

  16. Today I bought designed paper and glue... the paper is very original. I feel really happy!

  17. Mine is my new Tim Holtz paper pad that I got for Christmas off my son but I've only been able to just look at for the last four months. I cut into a piece yesterday - yes I do need some therapy for doing this - but it is such lovely paper, lovely quality and is perfect for using with Tim's distressing tool and inking the edges. Will have to save for more. Best wishes, Kym xxx

  18. My new find is peacock feathers!
    It looks amazing and sooooo unusual!

  19. i think its seembinding. i love it, and so easy to work with, and you can do different kinds of bows and stuff.

  20. I think that it's my Promarkers. I just bought some and I really love them!
    Hugs, Marianne

  21. Lace! I have had so much fun adding lace to a lot of cards lately. Thanks!

  22. oh like this one, I have just purchased a geo die, never seen them before and just cannot wait to play this Easter on my time off from work
    Hugs Kate xx

  23. I just got some new papers to try in the mail. I haven't even opened the package yet.


  24. my new find is fiskars circle border punches :) i just got my order from joanns with 2 of the circle border punches. great to use for accents on cards!

  25. My new fine is a new technique to me!! I bought a sewing machine to sew on my cards, but I have never sewed before!! For the first time ever I learned how to sew and Sewed on my card, I was very proud and scared at the same time!!

  26. I know it's old hat to everyone else but I just bought a bunch of Tim Holtz's Distressed inks. I'd put it off since I had all the SU and the memento but I am just loving my inks! They emboss and sponge so well. I could just kick myself for waiting so long.

  27. In fact, it's those Vintage Shabby dp's from Tim Holtz - they are peeerfect for almost any type of card! ;) I don't even know why I didn't buy those earlier.... *lol*

  28. My MS edge punches, they so easily make a great background.

  29. my new find is my Ottlite lamp, it is great for keeping the colours true x

  30. bottle top embellies it was a sample pack prize i won but they look great with all different techniques xx
